“Not weigh’d nor winnow’d by the multitude; But swallow’d in the mass, unchew’d and crude.

Some truth there was, but dash’d and brew’d with lies; To please the fools, and puzzle all the wise.

Succeeding times did equal folly call; Believing nothing, or believing all.”

(John Dryden, Poetical Works)

Is this an Age of Credulity? Incredulity? Historical nihilism? What would we or should we call it? Well, for true Christians we should not succumb to the extremes of a naive credulity or an inordinate incredulity. Also we ought to be diligent, vigiliant, and circumspect in not falling prey to incessant gossip and propaganda being cranked out by the ever predictable Press and Jacobin Journalists. Beware of politicians wearing lab coats. Whether “Left” or “Right” wait, weigh, discern, distinguish, deliberate, and be not hasty. Consider asymmetrical application of principles or what is called “law” or “adjudication.” A prevalent and pervasive pest is something called “projection” (e.g., Ahab “projected” when he called Elijah a “troubler of Israel.”)